Violent Exposure by Katherine Howell

Violent Exposure by Katherine Howell

When Suzanne Crawford is found stabbed to death and her husband Connor is discovered to be missing, it looks like just another tragic case of domestic violence to Detective Ella Marconi. But as the investigation progresses, it becomes clear that all is not as it seems. Why is there no record of Connor Crawford beyond a few years ago? Why has a teenager who worked for the pair gone missing too? And above all, what was the secret Suzanne knew Connor was keeping at all costs even from her?

Hey! Here's my review.

Book four in the Ella Marconi fast paced crime thriller series. I love the realistic portrayal of what paramedics deal with and the little details that come through from Katherine Howell's experience of working as a paramedic. This book kept me engaged the whole way through, wondering what the secrets were and trying to pick up on the clues. I love the familiar Australian setting and the alternating perspectives between the police and the paramedics. Looking forward to reading the next one.

  • Where: Borrowbox
  • Format: ebook
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