Valentina: a hauntingly intelligent psychological thriller by S.E. Lynes

Valentina: a hauntingly intelligent psychological thriller by S.E. Lynes

When  Glasgow journalist  Shona McGilvery moves with her partner  Mikey  and their baby to an idyllic cottage in rural Scotland, they believe that all that lies ahead of them is happiness.

But with Mikey working offshore, the  frightening  isolation of the Aberdeenshire  countryside begins to drive her insane...

That is, until she is rescued by a new friendship with the enchanting Valentina. 

She has the perfect home, the perfect man, and a charismatic new best friend – or does she?

As her fairytale life begins to unravel, the deep dark wood becomes the least of her fears...

A hauntingly intelligent, addictive psychological thriller from debut author S. E. Lynes.  

Hey! Here's my review.

This is the perfect book to read without knowing anything. I don't want to give away any spoilers, so all I will say is I loved it. As a military spouse whose husband often goes away for work, I could relate to Shona and her desire to connect with the outside world. Being home alone with a small child in a new town can be very isolating.

The psychological twists and turns kept me engaged and turning pages. Just when I thought I'd figured it all out, another layer to the plot would be revealed. 

This is a fabulous debut novel and I'm looking forward to see what else this author has in store for us. I received this book free in exchange for an honest review.


  • Where: Author Invitation
  • Format: ebook