Alice-Miranda at School by Jacqueline Harvey

Alice-Miranda at School by Jacqueline Harvey

Alice-Miranda Highton-Smith-Kennigton-Jones can't wait to start boarding school. When she arrives at Winchesterfield-Downsfordvale Academy for Proper Young Ladies, the adventure begins . . . only not quite as Alice-Miranda expects. The minute she sets foot on the school's manicured grounds, she senses that something is wrong: Miss Grimm, the headmistress, is nowhere to be seen, the gardens have no flowers, and a mysterious stranger seems to be hiding out on the premises. 
But that's not all. Some girls are mean and spoiled, like Alethea Goldsworthy. Can Alice-Miranda defeat Alethea in one of three difficult tests she must pass to remain at school? Will she discover Winchesterfield-Downsfordvale's big secret--and make things right? Well, if anyone can, it's spunky Alice-Miranda! 

Hey! Here's my review.

**Interview with my 5 & 7 year olds** (spoilers)

Me: What did you think of this book?
5: *Two thumbs up action*
7: *Ten fingers action - repeated*
Me: Twenty what?
7: Twenty Awesomes

Me: What was your favourite bit?
5: Everything
7: When Alice-Remander jumped to the inclusion the er ... something-a-bob about ... I forget ... Having the idea of talking to Miss Something-a-bob about something ...

Me: Why was that your favourite?
5: I need to think about ... Just because.
7: Because I thought it was really cool that the principal got reunited with her husband after they had a big fight or something.

Me: Would you like to go to a boarding school?
5: *nods*
7: *crosses arms in front of body* says "dum dum" forebodingly
5: I really want Tommy to go to the same boarding school as me so I can say hi to him.
7: But then Mummy won't pick us up and we'll have to stay there.
5: Maybe I decide I didn't want to go to boarding school.


  • Where: Local Library
  • Format: paperback